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♫ The Imperial March ♫
♫ The Imperial March ♫

Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2006
Messages: 2100
Localisation: En quarantaine

MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Juin 2006, 10:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Voici les paroles d'une chanson d'un petit groupe de rock Belge : Gminds - evil force

I wander in my universe, I am my own ideal,
I don't care what my life will be

so don't touch to my pink cocoon, it's too fine to disappear until I taste the sensation of wrong

the Evil force hugs me, it turns me to the dark, I know well it's dreadful but I let my soul leave

Refrain :
evil strengths are in me
they lead me to the fear
and surely they destroy myself
but horror is so good
I can't suppress it
I need more and more torture

my life is now a great nothing, pink cocoon turns into cage and nobody holds me out his hand

I beg to return in the past, and never had this temptation but I'm a fly in a spider's webI know that I must cope I know that I must cope to see pink as before but I suck once again

I have a wish of never the hope of black (repeat)

Maya: J'me réveille la culotte mouillée quand j'rêve de Jay(Jergal) =3
Aïnsel: Oh oui moi aussi!

"Je lui ai laché: Qui fait l'malin, tombe dans l'vagin!" Aïnsel.
2006 - 2019.
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Chakal D. Bibi
~ Chakal Touffu ~

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2004
Messages: 1937
Localisation: La Tanière du Chakal

MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Juin 2006, 10:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Voici un texte de Renaud que j'aime beaucoup car malgré son âge elle est encore d'actualité ce qui montre que notre beau pays n'a pas vraiment évolué depuis 20 ans...

Ils s'embrassent au mois de Janvier,
car une nouvelle année commence,
mais depuis des éternités
l'a pas tell'ment changé la France.
Passent les jours et les semaines,
y a qu'le décor qui évolue,
la mentalité est la même :
tous des tocards, tous des faux culs.

Ils sont pas lourds, en février,
à se souvenir de Charonne,
des matraqueurs assermentés
qui fignolèrent leur besogne,
la France est un pays de flics,
à tous les coins d'rue y'en a 100,
pour faire règner l'ordre public
ils assassinent impunément.

Quand on exécute au mois d'mars,
de l'autr' côté des Pyrénées,
un arnachiste du Pays basque,
pour lui apprendre à s'révolter,
ils crient, ils pleurent et ils s'indignent
de cette immonde mise à mort,
mais ils oublient qu'la guillotine
chez nous aussi fonctionne encore.

Etre né sous l'signe de l'hexagone,
c'est pas c'qu'on fait d'mieux en c'moment,
et le roi des cons, sur son trône,
j'parierai pas qu'il est all'mand.

On leur a dit, au mois d'avril,
à la télé, dans les journaux,
de pas se découvrir d'un fil,
que l'printemps c'était pour bientôt,
les vieux principes du seizième siècle,
et les vieilles traditions débiles,
ils les appliquent tous à la lettre,
y m'font pitié ces imbéciles.

Ils se souviennent, au mois de mai,
d'un sang qui coula rouge et noir,
d'une révolution manquée
qui faillit renverser l'Histoire,
j'me souviens surtout d'ces moutons,
effrayés par la Liberté,
s'en allant voter par millions
pour l'ordre et la sécurité.

Ils commémorent au mois de juin
un débarquement d'Normandie,
ils pensent au brave soldat ricain
qu'est v'nu se faire tuer loin d'chez lui,
ils oublient qu'à l'abri des bombes,
les Francais criaient "Vive Pétain",
qu'ils étaient bien planqués à Londres,
qu'y avait pas beaucoup d'Jean Moulin.

Etre né sous l'signe de l'hexagone,
c'est pas la gloire, en vérité,
et le roi des cons, sur son trône,
me dites pas qu'il est portugais.

Ils font la fête au mois d'juillet,
en souv'nir d'une révolution,
qui n'a jamais éliminé
la misère et l'exploitation,
ils s'abreuvent de bals populaires,
d'feux d'artifice et de flonflons,
ils pensent oublier dans la bière
qu'ils sont gourvernés comme des pions.

Au mois d'août c'est la liberté,
après une longue année d'usine,
ils crient : "Vive les congés payés",
ils oublient un peu la machine,
en Espagne, en Grèce ou en France,
ils vont polluer toutes les plages,
et par leur unique présence,
abîmer tous les paysages.

Lorsqu'en septembre on assassine,
un peuple et une liberté,
au cœur de l'Amérique latine,
ils sont pas nombreux à gueuler,
un ambassadeur se ramène,
bras ouverts il est accueilli,
le fascisme c'est la gangrène
à Santiago comme à Paris.

Etre né sous l'signe de l'hexagone,
c'est vraiment pas une sinécure,
et le roi des cons, sur son trône,
il est français, ça j'en suis sûr.

Finies les vendanges en octobre,
le raisin fermente en tonneaux,
ils sont très fiers de leurs vignobles,
leurs "Côtes-du-Rhône" et leurs "Bordeaux",
ils exportent le sang de la terre
un peu partout à l'étranger,
leur pinard et leur camenbert
c'est leur seule gloire à ces tarrés.

En Novembre, au salon d'l'auto,
ils vont admirer par milliers
l'dernier modèle de chez Peugeot,
qu'ils pourront jamais se payer,
la bagnole, la télé, l'tiercé,
c'est l'opium du peuple de France,
lui supprimer c'est le tuer,
c'est une drogue à accoutumance.

En décembre c'est l'apothéose,
la grande bouffe et les p'tits cadeaux,
ils sont toujours aussi moroses,
mais y a d'la joie dans les ghettos,
la Terre peut s'arrêter d'tourner,
ils rat'ront pas leur réveillon;
moi j'voudrais tous les voir crever,
étouffés de dinde aux marrons.

Etre né sous l'signe de l'hexagone,
on peut pas dire qu'ca soit bandant
si l'roi des cons perdait son trône,
y aurait 50 millions de prétendants.

[quote="Speed Hunter"]Chakal lui c'est un héros de musicien ![/quote]
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Inscrit le: 15 Mar 2006
Messages: 511
Localisation: Bilbo le hobbit te sodomiseras !

MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Juin 2006, 11:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

bibi t'es comme moi j'adore cette chanson elle est trop pureuh =D ou sinon
une autre de renad pas mal mais pas meilleure que hexagone :

A m'asseoir sur un banc cinq minutes avec toi
Et regarder les gens tant qu'y en a
Te parler du bon temps qu'est mort ou qui r'viendra
En serrant dans ma main tes p'tits doigts
Pis donner à bouffer à des pigeons idiots
Leur filer des coups d' pieds pour de faux
Et entendre ton rire qui lézarde les murs
Qui sait surtout guérir mes blessures
Te raconter un peu comment j'étais mino
Les bonbecs fabuleux qu'on piquait chez l' marchand
Car-en-sac et Minto, caramel à un franc
Et les mistrals gagnants

A r'marcher sous la pluie cinq minutes avec toi
Et regarder la vie tant qu'y en a
Te raconter la Terre en te bouffant des yeux
Te parler de ta mère un p'tit peu
Et sauter dans les flaques pour la faire râler
Bousiller nos godasses et s' marrer
Et entendre ton rire comme on entend la mer
S'arrêter, r'partir en arrière
Te raconter surtout les carambars d'antan et les cocos bohères
Et les vrais roudoudous qui nous coupaient les lèvres
Et nous niquaient les dents
Et les mistrals gagnants

A m'asseoir sur un banc cinq minutes avec toi
Et regarder le soleil qui s'en va
Te parler du bon temps qu'est mort et je m'en fou
Te dire que les méchants c'est pas nous
Que si moi je suis barge, ce n'est que de tes yeux
Car ils ont l'avantage d'être deux
Et entendre ton rire s'envoler aussi haut
Que s'envolent les cris des oiseaux
Te raconter enfin qu'il faut aimer la vie
Et l'aimer même si le temps est assassin
Et emporte avec lui les rires des enfants
Et les mistrals gagnants
Et les mistrals gagnants


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♫ The Imperial March ♫
♫ The Imperial March ♫

Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2006
Messages: 2100
Localisation: En quarantaine

MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Juin 2006, 11:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Voici un peu de Louise attaque (j't'emmène au vent) :

Allez viens, j't'emmène au vent,
je t'emmène au-dessus des gens,
et je vourdrais que tu te rappelles,
notre amour est éternel
et pas artificiel

je voudrais que tu te ramènes devant,
que tu sois là de temps en temps
et je voudrais que tu te rappelles
notre amour est éternel
et pas artificiel

je voudrais que tu m'appelles plus souvent,
que tu prennes parfois les devants
et je voudrais que tu te rappelles
notre amour est éternel
et pas artificiel

je voudrais que tu sois celle que j'entends
allez viens j't'emmène au-dessus des gens
et je voudrais que tu te rappelles
notre amourette éternelle,

Maya: J'me réveille la culotte mouillée quand j'rêve de Jay(Jergal) =3
Aïnsel: Oh oui moi aussi!

"Je lui ai laché: Qui fait l'malin, tombe dans l'vagin!" Aïnsel.
2006 - 2019.
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Chakal D. Bibi
~ Chakal Touffu ~

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2004
Messages: 1937
Localisation: La Tanière du Chakal

MessagePosté le: Mer 14 Juin 2006, 12:41 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mistral Gagant...Trop triste Crying or Very sad

Sinon ste chanson de Louise Attaque elle est bien mais elle lasse vite jtrouve^^

[quote="Speed Hunter"]Chakal lui c'est un héros de musicien ![/quote]
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♫ The Imperial March ♫
♫ The Imperial March ♫

Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2006
Messages: 2100
Localisation: En quarantaine

MessagePosté le: Mer 14 Juin 2006, 2:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Pour celle-ci pas de commentaire elle est tellement mythique : The show must go on - Queen

Empty spaces - what are we living for?
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score..
On and on!
Does anybody know what we are looking for?

Another hero - another mindless crime.
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime.
Hold the line!
Does anybody want to take it anymore?

The show must go on!
The show must go on!
Inside my heart is breaking,
My make-up may be flaking,
But my smile, still, stays on!

Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance.
Another heartache - another failed romance.
On and on!
Does anybody know what we are living for?
I guess i'm learning
I must be warmer now..
I'll soon be turning round the corner now.
Outside the dawn is breaking,
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free!

The show must go on!
The show must go on! Yeah!
Ooh! Inside my heart is breaking!
My make-up may be flaking!
But my smile, still, stays on!
Yeah! oh oh oh

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairy tales of yesterday, will grow but never die,
I can fly, my friends!

The show must go on! Yeah!
The show must go on!
I'll face it with a grin!
I'm never giving in!
On with the show!

I'll top the bill!
I'll overkill!
I have to find the will to carry on!
On with the,
On with the show!

The show must go on.

Maya: J'me réveille la culotte mouillée quand j'rêve de Jay(Jergal) =3
Aïnsel: Oh oui moi aussi!

"Je lui ai laché: Qui fait l'malin, tombe dans l'vagin!" Aïnsel.
2006 - 2019.
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Inscrit le: 15 Mar 2006
Messages: 511
Localisation: Bilbo le hobbit te sodomiseras !

MessagePosté le: Mer 14 Juin 2006, 2:57 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

moi j'en ai une c'est over there de chris gerolmo (the de over there la serie) :

The day is coming
Drums are drumming
If you know one say a prayer
There's Mothers crying
Father's sighing
War is in the air

Trains filling up with boys
Who have left behind their favorite toys
They're going over there
Over there
Someone has to die

Over there (Over there)
Over there (Over there)
It's not our job to reason why
Over there (Over there)
Over there (Over there)
Oh, someone has to die


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Étudiant à l'académie

Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2005
Messages: 65
Localisation: Paris

MessagePosté le: Jeu 15 Juin 2006, 11:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Quannd à moi je ne me lasse plus de cette musique:

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Don't you know I got
Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back
Loaded nap sack
Where I hold'n all tha work at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
I know all about that

Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at
Fresh off the jet to the Jects where the G's at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey what you know about that?
Hey I know all about that

See me in ya city sittin pretty kno Im shining dawg
Ridin wid a couple latin brawds and a china doll
And you kno how we ball
Ridin in shiny cars
Walk in designer malls
Buy everything we saw
You know about me dogg
Don't talk about me dogg
And if you doubt me dogg
You better out me dogg
I'm throwed off slightly bro
Don't wanna fight me bro
Im fast as lightning bro ya better use ya Nike's bro
Know you don't like me cause
Yo bitch most likely does
She see me on them dubs
In front of every club
I be on dro I'm buzzed
Give every ho a hug
Niggaz don't show me mugs
Cause you don't know me cuz

Don't you know I got
Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back
Loaded nap sack
Where I hold'n all tha work at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
I know all about that

Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at
Fresh off the jet to the Jects where the G's at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey what you know about that?
Hey I know all about that

Candy on the '64
Leather guts and fish bowl
50 on the pinky ring just to make my fist glow
Ya bitches get low
Because I get dough
So what? Im rich ho
I still pull a-kick-do' (kick ya door down)
What you talking shit fo'?
Gotta run and hit fo'?
Got you a yellin and I thought you put out a gun hit fo
But you's a scary dude
Believed by very few
Just keep it very cool
Or we will bury you
See all that attitude's, unneccesary dude
Cause you never Carry Tools not even sweary qs
You got these people fooled, who see me on the tube
Whatever try the crew, they'll see you on the news

Don't you know I got
Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back
Loaded nap sack
Where I hold'n all tha work at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
I know all about that

Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at
Fresh off the jet to the Jects where the G's at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey what you know about that?
Hey I know all about that

Fresh off the jet to the block
Burn a rubber with a top-pop
I'll pop and bust a shot and tell em stop and make the block hot
Ya label got got
Cuz you are not hot
I got the top spot
And it will not stop
A video or not that will bust it to the glock stop
Drag ya out that Bently Coupe and take it to the chop shop
Partner, we got ya'll
If it may pop off
I'll answer the question “Will I get ya block knocked off?”
And what it is bro
Look I'll kill ya, bro
I'm in your hood, if you a gangsta what you here for?
Somebody better get bro for he get sent for
You say you wanna squash it what you still talkin shit for?

Don't you know I got
Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back
Loaded nap sack
Where I hold'n all tha work at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
I know all about that

Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at
Fresh off the jet to the Jects where the G's at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey what you know about that?
Hey I know all about that

Chanteur: T.I
Titre : What You Know
Genre : Rap U.S

Je trouve qu'il ya un peu trop de vulgarité, mais jy peu rien^^
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Hotaru No Haka

Inscrit le: 11 Juin 2006
Messages: 10

MessagePosté le: Jeu 15 Juin 2006, 3:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Une chanson des Dandy warhols : Not If You Were The Last Junkie On Earth j'adore Very Happy

I never thought youd be a junkie
Because heroin is so passe.
But today,
If you think that I dont know
About depression and
Emotional pain,
Youre insane, or your
A fool who hasnt paid attention
To a word that I say.

In a way, I cant
Help but feel responsible.
I always knew that you were insane
With your pain.

But I never thought youd be a junkie
Because heroin is so passe
Now a-day.
You never thought youd get addicted,
Just be cooler in an obvious way.
I could say, shouldnt you have got
A couple peircings and decided
May-be that you were gay.

In a way
I cant help but feel responsible,
I always knew that you were insane
With you pain

But I never thought youd be a junkie
Because heroin is so passe hey.


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♫ The Imperial March ♫
♫ The Imperial March ♫

Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2006
Messages: 2100
Localisation: En quarantaine

MessagePosté le: Jeu 15 Juin 2006, 3:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Si vous me dites que vous aimez pas je me flingue^^ Nirvana-Smells like teens spirit :

Verse 1-
Load up on guns
Bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's overborne and self-assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word

Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello

With the Lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertain us
A mullato an albino
A mosquito my libido

Verse 2-
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello,

With the Lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertain us
A mullato an albino
A mosquito my libido

Verse 3-
And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard it's hard to find
Oh well whatever nevermind

Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello

With the Lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertain us
A mullato an albino
A mosquito my libido
A denial

Maya: J'me réveille la culotte mouillée quand j'rêve de Jay(Jergal) =3
Aïnsel: Oh oui moi aussi!

"Je lui ai laché: Qui fait l'malin, tombe dans l'vagin!" Aïnsel.
2006 - 2019.
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Hotaru No Haka

Inscrit le: 11 Juin 2006
Messages: 10

MessagePosté le: Jeu 15 Juin 2006, 4:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

J'aime pas Very Happy (naaan s'pas vrai, Nirvana c'est les bests après SOAD et SP Razz)

Un petit peu de Tenacious D ^^ : Tribute

This is the greatest and best song in the world
Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here
We was hitchhiking down a long a lonesome road
All of the sudden
There shined a shiny demon
In the middle of the road
And he said
Play the best song in the world or I'll eat your souls
Well me and Kyle we looked at each other
And we each said

And we played the first thing that came to our heads
Just so happened to be
The best song in the world
It was the best song in the world

Look into my eyes and it's easy to see
1 and 1 make 2 2 and 1 make 3
It was destiny
Once every hundred thousand years or so
When the sun doth shine and the moon doth glow
And the grass doth grow

Needless to say
The beast was stunned
Whip-crack went his rumpy tail
And the beast was done
He asked us
Be you angels
And we said nay
We are but men
Rock On!!
Oooooh Oooooh Oooooooh

This is not the greatest song in the world
This is just a tribute
Couldn't remember the greatest song in the world
Yeah no
This is a tribute
To the greatest song in the world
All right
It was the greatest song in the world
All right


And the peculiar thing is this my friends
The song we sang on that fateful night
It didn't actually sound anything like this song
This is just a tribute
You gotta believe me
And i wish you were there
Just a matter of opinion
Good God
Gotta help me now
So surprised to find ya can't stop ya
O hallelujah I'm found
Rich mother fucker aaaaah
All right all right


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♫ The Imperial March ♫
♫ The Imperial March ♫

Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2006
Messages: 2100
Localisation: En quarantaine

MessagePosté le: Ven 16 Juin 2006, 4:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Une tres jolie chanson : REM - Loosing my religion

Oh Life is bigger,
It's bigger than you
And you are not me,
The lengths that I will go to,
the distance in your eyes,
Oh no! I've said too much
I set it up

That's me in the corner;
That's me in the spot-light
Losing my religion.

Trying to keep up a view,
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much,
I haven't said enough!
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing,
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper,
Of every waking hour I'm
Choosing my confessions,
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

Consider this!
Consider this!
The hint of the century
Consider this!
A slip that brought me
to my knees, pale
What if all these fantasies,
Come flailing around,
now I've said too much..
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try.

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream
That's me in the corner.
That's me in the spotlight
loosing my religion.
Trying to keep a view
And I don't know if I can do it.
Oh no, I've said to much..

I haven't said enough.
I thought that I heard you laughing,
I thought that I heard you sing.
I... think I thought i saw you try.

But that was just a dream
Try, cry, why try?
That was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream...

Maya: J'me réveille la culotte mouillée quand j'rêve de Jay(Jergal) =3
Aïnsel: Oh oui moi aussi!

"Je lui ai laché: Qui fait l'malin, tombe dans l'vagin!" Aïnsel.
2006 - 2019.
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papa jing

Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2006
Messages: 15
Localisation: Le var

MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Juin 2006, 12:00 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Une de mes chansons préféré que tout le monde a deja du écouté au moin une fois dans une pub^^
CHANSON:Where is my mind
REPRISES:James blunt, Placebo, Nada surf, weezer...

Ooooooh - stop

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind (3x)

Way out in the water
See it swimmin'

I was swimmin' in the Carribean
Animals were hiding behind the rock
Except the little fish
But they told me, he swears
Tryin' to talk to me to me to me

Where is my mind (3x)

Way out in the water
See it swimmin' ?

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
If there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind (3x)

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah

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Chakal D. Bibi
~ Chakal Touffu ~

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2004
Messages: 1937
Localisation: La Tanière du Chakal

MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Juin 2006, 12:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

C'est surtout la chanson qui clot magnifiquement Fight Club^^

[quote="Speed Hunter"]Chakal lui c'est un héros de musicien ![/quote]
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Aspirant genin

Inscrit le: 18 Avr 2006
Messages: 187
Localisation: Void

MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Juin 2006, 12:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A moi pour les chansons et dédicace à Natsu-chan pour avoir mit Queen, The Show must go on Smile

Transilvanian Hunger...cold..soul
Your hands are haunt

the mountains are cold...soul...soul...
careful..pale...forever at Night

Take me...can't you feel the Call
Embrace Me Eternally in your daylight slumber

To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace
ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger

Hail to the True, intense vampires
A story made for Divine fulfillment

To be the ones breathing a Wind of Sorrow
Sorrow and fright the dearest catharsis

Beautiful Evil Self to be the Morbid Count
A part of a Pact that is delightfully immortal


Feel the call freeze you with the uppermost desire
Transilvanian mountain is cold


So Pure... Evil, Cold
Transilvanian Hunger

1. Transilvanian Hunger - Darkthrone.

Look not above, there is no answer there;
Pray not, for no one listens to your prayer;
Near is as near to God as any Far,
And Here is just the same deceit as There.
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♫ The Imperial March ♫
♫ The Imperial March ♫

Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2006
Messages: 2100
Localisation: En quarantaine

MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Juin 2006, 12:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

. : ACDC - HIGHWAY TO HELL : . =>*_*

Living easy, living free
Season ticket on a one-way ride
Asking nothing, leave me be
Taking everything in my stride
Don't need reason, don't need rhyme
Ain't nothing I would rather do
Going down, party time
My friends are gonna be there too

I'm on the highway to hell

No stop signs, speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel, gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me round
Hey Satan, payed my dues
Playing in a rocking band
Hey Momma, look at me
I'm on my way to the promised land

I'm on the highway to hell
(Don't stop me)

And I'm going down, all the way down
I'm on the highway to hell

Maya: J'me réveille la culotte mouillée quand j'rêve de Jay(Jergal) =3
Aïnsel: Oh oui moi aussi!

"Je lui ai laché: Qui fait l'malin, tombe dans l'vagin!" Aïnsel.
2006 - 2019.
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Aspirant genin

Inscrit le: 18 Avr 2006
Messages: 187
Localisation: Void

MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Juin 2006, 12:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Une zik que je me suis passé en boucle des centaines et des centaines de fois ; l'accompagnement idéal pour déprimer. Il a une voix transcendante, une musique envoutante et des textes à faire pleurer une pierre ...

James blunt - no bravery

There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
Tears drying on their face.
He has been here.
Brothers lie in shallow graves.
Fathers lost without a trace.
A nation blind to their disgrace,
Since he's been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

Houses burnt beyond repair.
The smell of death is in the air.
A woman weeping in despair says,
He has been here.
Tracer lighting up the sky.
It's another families‚ turn to die.
A child afraid to even cry out says,
He has been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
But no one asks the question why,
He has been here.
Old men kneel and accept their fate.
Wives and daughters cut and raped.
A generation drenched in hate.
Yes, he has been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

Look not above, there is no answer there;
Pray not, for no one listens to your prayer;
Near is as near to God as any Far,
And Here is just the same deceit as There.
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gare à naruto le démoniak

Inscrit le: 06 Juil 2004
Messages: 830
Localisation: La montagne rouge

MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Juin 2006, 1:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Tout ça est très bien, mais ça manque un peu de system, en voici donc :


Dead men lying on the bottom of the grave
Wondering when Savior comes
Is he gonna be saved

Maybe you're a sinner into your alternate life
Maybe you're a joker maybe you deserve to die

They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back
They were crying when their sons left
All young men must go
He's come so far to find the truth
He's never going home

Young men standing on the top of their own graves
Wondering when Jesus comes
Are they gonna be saved

Cruelty to the winner, Bishop tells the King his lies
Maybe you're a mourner, maybe you deserve to die
They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back
They were crying when their sons left
All young men must go
He's come so far to find no truth
He's never going home

Welcome to the Soldier Side
Where there's no one here but me
People all go out to die
There is no one here but me

Welcome to the Solder Side
Where there's no one here but me
People on the soldier's side
There is no one here but me


FCs : Gaara, anti sasouk, HP, D gray-man, Ouran high school, naheulbeuk.
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♫ The Imperial March ♫
♫ The Imperial March ♫

Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2006
Messages: 2100
Localisation: En quarantaine

MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Juin 2006, 1:35 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

GND aime de la tres bonne musique^^

KoRn -Freak on a leash

Something takes a part of me.
Something lost and never seen.
Everytime I start to believe,
Somethings raped and taken from me... from me.
Lifes got to always be messing with me. (you wanna see the light)
Cant they chill and let me be free? (so do I)
Cant I take away all this pain. (you wanna see the light)
I try to every night, all in vain... in vain.

Sometimes I cannot take this place.
Sometimes its my life I cant taste.
Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
Youll never see me fall from grace

Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me.

Feeling like a freak on a leash. (you wanna see the light)
Feeling like I have no release. (so do I)
How many times have I felt diseased? (you wanna see the light)
Nothing in my life is free... is free

Sometimes I cannot take this place.
Sometimes its my life I cant taste.
Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
Youll never see me fall from grace

Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me.

Boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
So...fight! something on the...
Fight...some things they fight
So...something on the...
Fight...some things they fight
Fight...something of the
No...some things they fight
Fight...something of the...
Fight...some things they fight
Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me.
Part of me...
Part of me...
Part of me...

Maya: J'me réveille la culotte mouillée quand j'rêve de Jay(Jergal) =3
Aïnsel: Oh oui moi aussi!

"Je lui ai laché: Qui fait l'malin, tombe dans l'vagin!" Aïnsel.
2006 - 2019.
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Aspirant genin

Inscrit le: 18 Avr 2006
Messages: 187
Localisation: Void

MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Juin 2006, 1:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Petite note :
Vous écoutez de la *bip* commercial. Contrairement au vrai esprit mauvais du black metal, vous méritez une punition pour le salut de vos âmes.
Bref ^^

Le mythique Deathcrush de Mayhem :

Demonic laughter your cremation
Your lungs gasp for air but are filled with blood
A sudden crack as I crushed your skull

The remind of your life flashes by
A life that soon won't be
Smiling with axe in my hand
Evil's rotten hand you'll see

I come forward

I'll send you to your maker
I'll send you to your death

Death nicely crucified
Death, heads on stakes

The barbeque has just begun
Deathcrush - Deathcrush - Deathcrush

Crush - Crush

Look not above, there is no answer there;
Pray not, for no one listens to your prayer;
Near is as near to God as any Far,
And Here is just the same deceit as There.
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